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TusharJuly 21,2020 02 Comments

How To Develop Your Business Technology Roadmap

Quick summary ↬ Software development without a roadmap is akin to driving off a cliff — an undertaking that seriously jeopardizes your product’s life. Here’s how to develop a business technology roadmap that ensures your project safely reaches its final destination.

When people have an idea for a piece of software or an app,they tend to be pretty energized about getting it to market as quickly as possible. It’s exciting to create an app or piece of software no one’s ever imagined or built before. As software developers,we’re usually right there with them.

At some point,though,we need to sit down with clients and give them a sometimes sobering reality:software development without a business technology roadmap can be a lot like driving aimlessly from point A to point Z. Sure,you get to discover new worlds and experience unexpected adventures,but you also frequently get lost,spend more money,and can lose enthusiasm for the journey.

What Is A Business Technology Roadmap? #

Unlike detailed blueprints that lay out all tasks,deadlines,bug reports,and more along the way,technology roadmaps are high-level visual summaries highlighting a company’s vision or plans.

In an Agile approach,a technology roadmap feeds the sprint and grooming processes,providing insight into how the product will travel from start to finish. It makes it easier for development teams to:

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(04) Comment

  • Kristin Watson

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available,butb
    the majority have. There are many variations.

  • Kristin Watson

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available,but
    the majority have. There are many variations of passages

  • Kristin Watson

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available,but
    the majority have. There are many variations.

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